Ultrasound - The Requisites 3e - Hertzberg & Middleton.pdf


Sound = mechanical energy that propagates through a continuous, elastic medium by the compression and rarefaction of the units in that medium. Speed of a sound wave is purely determined by the medium that it travels in. We cannot control speed of soundwave. we can control the frequency of wavelength. Independent of this the wave will travel at a set speed depending on the medium it travels in. Wavelength is the compensation mechanism that links the set frequency and the predetermined speed of sound in a particular tissue. 

Speed (c) = frequency (f) x wavelength (w)

Period (T) = 1 / f

What inherent properties of a tissue determine the speed of sound?


The runner runs at set cadence/frequency, the number of steps per minute is constant.  The speed that he is running depends on the ground being run on and air being run through.


Pressure (amplitude) is proportional to pressure^2

Pascal (Pa) = local pressure changes in tissue; amplitude of soundwave; important for calculating power of US.

Intensity = amount of power (energy/time) per area

How much work is done in the tissue?

Decibel scale is a relative intensity scale.

Near field & far field; US beam has varying intensities if cut in cross-section. 

Continuous: leaves no time to listen to echoes bouncing back

Pulse echo: transmits pulse wave into tissue and wait for reflections from tissue boundaries. 

Differences in tissue acoustic impedance determines how much echo is transmitted through to the next boundary and how much is reflected back.

Range equation: T = 2D/c; Tc/2 = D

US fires off sequential lines of US pulses, waits for echoes to return, plots tissue boundaries based on time it took to return to probe. Each line, multiple pulses are sent. Grayscale values will be assigned to the tissue boundaries based on intensity of the echo returning to the machine.

Tissue boundaries with high differences in acoustic impedance will appear bright.

5 parameters to describe pulse echo: